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Keynote Address by SAA President (2022- 2025) at the inaugural ceremony of the board- 24 March 2022, Africa Regent Hotel Accra, Ghana – Hon. Dr. David Pagwesese Parirenyatwa

I am highly elated to be elected to serve as Chair and President of the executive board of the Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA) for the next four years. It is a privilege for me and my honourable members to steer the affairs of SAA in the next four years. Having been given the mantle on the 24th of March 2022, we are grateful to our predecessors Prof. John Idoko, the past President, all board members, partners, zonal constituents, SAA Coordinator/ICASA Director and the entire Secretariat.

The Society for AIDS in Africa is a Pan-African non-profit organisation which was founded in 1989 by a group of African scientists who shared a common vision to end the HIV and AIDS pandemic in Africa and mitigate the impact of other emerging diseases in Africa.

Society for AIDS Africa(SAA)

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Hon. Dr. David Parirenyatwa, President of SAA and former Health Minister of Zimbabwe

News Headlines

How to write an Abstract

Opening speech: How to write an Abstract

Hon. Dr. David Pagwesese Parirenyatwa, President of... read more

Dr. Kharmacelle Prosper Akanbong, Acting Director General of the Ghana AIDS Commission in a hearty conversation with Mr. Luc Armand Bodea, ICASA Director/SAA Coordinator

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Hon. Dr. David Pagwesese Parirenyatwa, President of the Society for AIDS in Africa

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Season’s Greetings from the Society for AIDS in Africa | Vœux de la Société africaine Anti-Sida

Season’s Greetings from the Society for AIDS in Africa | Vœux de la Société africaine Anti-Sida

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