
Honorable members of ICASA 2025 International Steering Committee

Dear Virtual Participants Across the World, Esteemed Development Partners from the UN Agencies and other Partners, Honorable Board Members of the Society for AIDS in Africa, Members of the Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA), Honorable Minister of Health of Ghana, Good People of Ghana, ICASA Director, Staff of the Society for AIDS in Africa, Honorable members...

Opening Speech: Mpox, Community Responses, and Lessons Learned

Dear Virtual Participants Across the World, Dear Esteemed Partners – WHO, Dear Honorable Speakers and Moderator, Dear Members of the Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA), It is my singular honor and great pleasure to welcome you all to today’s important webinar on Mpox: Community Responses and Lessons Learned. This platform brings together voices...

Hon. Dr. David Pagwesese Parirenyatwa, President of the Society for AIDS in Africa call to action at the ongoing webinar on Domestic Financing for HIV Response in Nigeria edging stake holders to engage on how domestic financing for HIV can be strengthened.

Opening Speech: Domestic Financing for HIV Response in Nigeria & Dissemination of ICASA 2023 Report Dear participants – both in-person here in Abuja and those joining virtually from across the world, Dear esteemed partners – UNAIDS, PEPFAR, Global Fund (GF), the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM), the Peer Review Forum, Dear speakers for...

Domestic Financing for HIV Response in Nigeria and Dissemination of outcomes of ICASA 2023 Report

Overview Over the past two decades, significant progress has been made in the global fight against HIV/AIDS, thanks to the efforts of national governments, major donors, and civil society organizations. In Nigeria, these efforts have led to increased awareness, improved prevention strategies, and better treatments, resulting in fewer new HIV...


The Society for AIDS in Africa announces the launch of a groundbreaking new publication, the Journal for Society of AIDS in Africa (JSAA). We invite a visionary researcher, clinician, and public health expert to serve as the founding Editorial Board. The JSAA aims to serve as a premier platform for...

Webinaire conjoint de la SAA & de l’OMS AFRO: Variole du singe : Réponses de la communauté et enseignements tirés

CONTEXTE La variole simienne (auparavant appelée variole du singe) est une maladie virale causée par un virus orthopox appelé virus de la variole du singe. Elle se transmet entre humains par contact étroit avec des lésions, des fluides corporels, des particules respiratoires infectieuses ou du matériel contaminé. En outre, elle...


BACKGROUND Mpox (previously known as monkeypox) is a viral disease caused by an orthopoxvirus called monkeypox virus. It transmits between humans through close contact with lesions, body fluids, infectious respiratory particles or contaminated materials, or from animals to humans through contact with live animals or consumption of contaminated ‘bushmeat’. Mpox...