
ICASA 2019 Rwanda – logo competition winner

The ICASA International Secretariat received 46 logos from all over the world. However, the Secretariat pre-selected 10 after which one was validated by the ISC members. The designer who won the logo competition for ICASA 2019 Rwanda is Komlanvi APEVINYEKOU from Togo. He will receive an award of $1000...

Plateforme Regionale Vih Et Handicap : Naissance D’un Cadre De Concertation Pour L’integration Du Handicap Dans Les Strategies De Riposte En Afrique De L’ouest

Du 23 au 26 janvier 2018 s’est tenue à Ouagadougou la première rencontre de la plateforme régionale VIH et HANDICAP qui a été couplée à l’élaboration du plan de plaidoyer régional pour l’inclusion du Handicap dans les stratégies de lutte contre le VIH en Afrique de l’Ouest. Cette rencontre...

Remembering Mark Wainberg

Source: International AIDS Society “When I look back on my career, I always feel that the most important contribution of my life was political and not scientific.” – Mark Wainberg It is with a heavy heart that the International AIDS Society (IAS) has learned of the death of past president Prof. Mark A....

Opening Ceremony Speech By The President Of The Society For Aids In Africa (Saa) At The 1st International Steering Committee Meeting Abidja-Cote D’ivoire.

Source: Society for AIDS in Africa Dear Honorable members of the International Steering committee of ICASA 2017, dear representative of the government of Cote d’Ivoire, dear Representative of the Governor of Abidjan, dear Regional and country representative of the UN System, dear Representative of the ARNS, dear Representative of the AU,...

Agenda for the 1st International Steering Committee Meeting from 25th to 26th November 2016

OBJECTIVES: Finalize the Theme and objectives of the 19th edition of ICASA Select an appropriate logo from the shortlisted competition logos Agree on the key dates and road map Review ICASA abstract titles and sub-titles Identify best strategy for resource mobilisation ( ICASA 2017 budget) Agree on the communication strategy...

Prof. James Hakim, Immediate Past Chair of the Scientific Program of ICASA 2015 honored at CROI 2017

Prof. James Hakim, the past immediate chair of the Scientific Program of the International Conference on AIDS and STI’s in Africa, held in Harare, Zimbabwe (ICASA 2015) was honored at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2017) in Seattle USA for his collaborative & pioneering in HIV/AIDS...