Séries des Jeunes Ecrivains de ICASA - Gagnants
Nyako Cinthia, Cameroon
2eme Position - Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles (IST)
My Story
I am called Nyako Cinthia, 23 years old, I was born at Ngarum in the Nort west region of Cameroon and presently reside in Bamenda town. Completed my primary school in 2011, completed my secondary in 2017 at the Government Bilingual High School Atiela and completed my high school in 2019. I am at the University level almost completing my Bachelor’s degree.
I discovered I was HIV positive at 14 years and began treatment immediately and was given the opportunity to work with Adolescents and young people living with HIV at the CBCHS (Cameroon baptist convention health services) in 2019 till date, where I counselled and used myself as an example to those living with HIV since I had overcome stigma and went public about my status. Since I did my disclosure I have been able to touch a lot of people with my stories and work with other organizations to fight against AIDS, stigma and discrimination.
My achievements, which I am most proud of are the number of people I have touched their life’s and the number of suppressed viral loads I have had over the years and how free I became.