Plenary Speakers

Maximina Jokonya
Coordinator, Her Voice Fund,
Yplus Global
Topic: We are still getting HIV: Address the HIV Prevention crisis, accelerate access to biomedical prevention services/tools for women, adolescent girls, and young people.
Maximina Jokonya: HER Voice Fund Coordinator: An established HIV and human rights practitioner, advocate, and young woman leader with over eight years of experience in health programming with a focus on young people in their diversity including adolescent girls and young women, gender equality and women’s empowerment, sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR), youth development, and leadership. Ability to design, implement, managed, and deliver complex. Ability to design and manage complex projects funded by including PEPFAR-DREAMS, UNICEF, Comic Relief, Robert Carr Fund, Global Fund, ViiV Healthcare Positive Action and United Nations Women. Achievements in a glimpse include management HER Voice Fund project of €1,6 million aimed at Adolescent girls and young women benefitting from rights based and gender transformative laws, policies, practices, and programmes, resulting in a reduction in HIV incidence and improvements in our broader health, wellbeing and rights, currently coordinating 125 community-based organisations that are serving or leading adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) across 13 African countries amongst other successes.