Media Sponsorship

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These opportunities have been designed primarily, but not exclusively for media sponsors. Any organization can apply WhatsApp No: +233(0)555179976

Media Centre
ICASA 2021 is expected to convene approximately 200 media representatives. The state-of-the-art ICASA 2021 Media Centre will – with its interview and meeting rooms, information and publication areas, and AV broadcast booths – serve as the hub for all participating media. As the Media Centre leads to the press conference room where all media briefings will be held, it will also be visited by high level speakers and conference spokespeople.

The exclusive sponsor of the Media Centre will receive high-profit exposure through

  • Screensavers on each computer featuring the sponsor’s logo
  • Start page of the sponsor’s website
  • Sponsor recognition on signage at the entrance and throughout the Media Centre
  • Sponsor recognition at the Media Centre information desk, featuring the sponsor’s name and logo
  • Recognition as the official sponsor of the ICASA 2021 Media Centre on the conference website and in pre-conference and on-site publications.

USD 50,000
Included: hiring costs of computers, IT support

Media Film

In 2021 a media film will project a short film during the opening ceremony related to the 30 years of the pandemic response in Africa.

Sponsors of the ICASA 2021 have a unique opportunity to reach a diverse audience, and to convey their own key messaging and branding at an international stage. Sponsors will be recognized and acknowledged on the conference website and all media materiel.

USD 35,000

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The Key Role of the Faith Sector Leadership in the HIV response in Africa

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Invitational Bid to host 22nd Edition of the International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa (ICASA 2023)

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