General Terms & Conditions

General Terms & Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions are valid for each attendee registered for the 21st International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa which will be held from 06 -11 December 2021. (hereafter referred to as the ”Conference”). Any person, delegate, accompanying person, media representative, speaker, or exhibitor is considered as an attendee.

Conference Registration

The registration deadlines are as follows:

  • Early registration deadline: 17th May 2021
  • Regular registration deadline: 31st August 2021, 24.00 GMT
  • Late registration deadline: 30th October 2021, 24.00 GMT
  • On-site registration from 5th December 2021

Late registration deadline: 30th October 2021, 24.00 GMT
After the late registration deadline, registrations are only possible on-site.

If the maximum attendee capacity is reached, the organizers reserve the right to refuse any registration.

To be eligible to register for the conference, attendees must be at least 18 years old. Attendees may be asked to present an official identity card stating their age.

The registration fee for delegates includes entry to all sessions, the exhibition area, the poster area, the opening session and the closing session.

The registration fee for accompanying persons includes entry to the conference venue, the opening session as well as the closing session. Entry to the exhibition area, the poster area and other conference sessions is not included. A maximum of one accompanying person can be registered per delegate.

Your registration will only be processed upon receipt and verification of the above-mentioned credentials. As the number of media registrations is limited, the ICASA 2021 Conference Secretariat reserves the right to refuse applications.

Once you receive your Letter of Acceptance from the ICASA 2021 Registration Department, please be reminded to apply with the rules and regulations of the Uganda broadcasting cooperation. Please click here for more information.

Group Registration (10% discount for 15 delegates and above)

For group bookings of 15 Delegates or more, please complete the Group Registration Form online as well as the Excel document “ICASA 2021_Group Registration Name List Template” (excel list to fill in the individual details of each group member) and email it back to the ICASA 2021 Registration Department at

A payment order will be sent by email to the group manager once the ICASA 2021 Registration Department has received the duly completed registration form. This name list will then have to be returned to the ICASA 2021 Registration Department, kindly respect the deadline provided. Please note that the full payment has to be received before the registration deadline you wish to register for. Please send the proof of payment to:

Scholarship Programme

If it were not for the support of sponsors and donors, attending the International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa, ICASA 2021 would be limited to those who have the economic means to do so. One of the main initiatives of the conference is to make the conference as accessible and beneficial as possible to delegates from all regions of the globe, especially those in resource-limited communities and settings. The Scholarship Programme of ICASA 2021 empowers those least able, but most in need, to attend. Scholarship will be opened on 2nd July, 2021.

ICASA 2021 is planning to provide 500 scholarships across the 3 Programmes; Scientific, Leadership and Community.

Applicants can apply for either full or partial scholarship:

  • Full Scholarship: (includes air travel, accommodation, and a Per-diem).
  • Partial Scholarship: (includes Accommodation and Per-diem or Accommodation only).
  • Partner may select how many recipients they would like to support; recognition of the partner would depend on the amount of support.

For more information, please contact:

The International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa offers conference supporters various possibilities to enhance their visibility and association with the event. Selected "partnership" opportunities allow each partner unique ways of associating brands or messages with different aspects of the conference. For more information, please contact

ICASA 2021 Delegate Registration Fees

Registration Type Fees (USD) OPEN CLOSE
High Income: Early Fee 700.00 1st March, 2021 17th May, 2021
Low/Middle Income: Early Fee 450.00 1st March, 2021 17th May, 2021
High Income: Regular Fee 850.00 18th May, 2021 31st August, 2021
Low/Middle Income: Regular Fee 500.00 16th May, 2021 31st August, 2021
High Income: Late Fee 950.00 1st September, 2021 31st October, 2021
Low/Middle Income: Late Fee 600.00 1st September, 2021 31st October, 2021
High Income: Onsite Fee 950.00 5th December, 2021 11th December, 2021
Low/Middle Income: Onsite Fee 600.00 5th December, 2021 11th December, 2021

ICASA 2021 Onsite Registration Hours

Date Time
Sunday, 5th December 12:00 – 16:00
Monday, 6th December 06:30 – 16:00
Tuesday, 7th December 06:30 – 20:30
Wednesday, 8th December 06:30 – 20:30
Thursday, 9th December 06:30 – 20:30
Friday, 10th December 06:30 – 20:30
Saturday, 11th December 06:30 – 12:30

Media Registration and General Rules
All foreign Journalists are advised to submit a full list of all the equipment they will be bringing into host country including serial numbers to ( ) with urgency.

Kindly download the media accreditation requirements, in order to be allowed in ICASA 2021 host country.

The registration for media representatives includes entry to all conference sessions, the exhibition and poster area, the opening and closing session and the media centre. Conference bags and conference materials will not be given to media representatives.

Kindly note that media registration for ICASA 2021 will be opened on 1st March 2021.

The conference organizers strongly recommend that media representatives bringing professional video equipment into ICASA 2021 conference, to obtain a “Temporary Admission / Admission Temporaire” to ease customs processes at the border. Failure to follow ICASA 2021 host country’s custom procedures may result in equipment being delayed at the border.

Registration confirmation
A registration confirmation will be sent by email after the ICASA 2021 Registration Department has received the duly completed registration form, the related payment (if applicable) and the applicant’s media credentials have been verified and confirmed. Media representatives may be requested to present this registration confirmation at the registration counter as proof of their registration.

Please note that access to the media centre may be refused without this identification.

Please note that access to the media centre may be refused without this identification.

On-site Registration for journalists
Most journalists will complete the accreditation process before the conference begins. However, an on-site accreditation desk will be available in the registration area. The hours for on-site accreditation are per the above registration time.

Journalists are encouraged to register online before the conference to avoid long delays –often up to several hours – when registering on-site.

Registration Name Change
A name change to an existing media registration is not possible. The granted media registration must be cancelled and the new media representative must register and submit the required documents.

Electronic Name Badge
All participants, including media representatives, will receive an official conference name badge. This name badge must be worn at all times during the conference and is not transferable. If, for whatever reason, a participant’s name badge is used by another person in his or her stead, the participant is fully liable for any consequences of this person’s actions. Access to the conference facilities and session rooms will not be granted without a proper name badge. For security reasons, your name badge will be scanned at the entrance to the conference venue.

All accredited journalists must check-in at the Media Desk in the Registration Area upon arrival at the convention centre. Please do not report to the Media Centre directly as you will not have access without an official name badge.

The conference name badge can be used as an electronic business card at some exhibition booths and at the entrance to some satellite symposia as a way for delegates to provide their contact details to exhibitors.

Lost name badge
The conference name badge must be worn at all times during the conference. Access to the conference facilities will not be granted without a proper name badge. If an attendee loses, misplaces or forgets the name badge, a handling fee of USD 60 will be charged for a new name badge. Upon handing out a new name badge, the lost badge will be deactivated and become invalid.

Conference Embargo Policy
In the case of ICASA 2021, as with most scientific/medical conferences, all conference abstracts are released to delegates and media under a strict embargo policy. A detailed breakdown of the embargo variations for different types of abstracts is available below. All regular delegates, presenters and media are asked to respect this policy.

Oral Abstracts
Information about the oral abstracts may not be published or presented before the start of the session at ICASA 2021 in which the abstract is being presented.

Oral Abstracts and Poster Exhibition Abstracts
Information about the oral poster discussion and poster exhibition abstracts may not be published or presented before 10:00 (ICASA 2021 host country Standard Time) on Tuesday, 7th December 2021

Embargo Breaks for Media Reporters
As well as having access to the materials detailed above, the media is also given prior access to the speakers’ slides. However access is only granted to media onsite at the conference and the same embargo rules apply, meaning the information in speakers slides cannot be referenced or published before the start of the presentation.

Breaking of the embargo policy by a reporter will lead to one or more of the following measures:

  • Immediate suspension of the reporter’s media conference credentials
  • Immediate barring of the reporter from the meeting premises
  • Removal of the reporter’s name from the ICASA Media Distribution List for two years
  • No access to the next ICASA Conferences

Any breach in the embargo by media will be brought to the attention of the Media Embargo Committee. If you have questions, please contact the ICASA 2021 communications team at

No access to the next ICASA Conferences
Any breach in the embargo by media will be brought to the attention of the Media Embargo Committee. If you have questions, please contact the ICASA 2021 communications team at

Access to full Abstracts Text
The posting of full abstract texts to the online Programme-at-a-Glance is now being staggered to reflect the timing of the updated Conference Embargo Policy.

Access to Speaker Slides
Media delegates will also be given full access to speaker’s PowerPoint presentations. The login and password will also be communicated to you in the media centre.

All media accredited by the conference secretariat will have free access to the Media Centre. Media registrants will also have access to all sessions and exhibitions, including the Opening and Closing Sessions. At certain times, access to some parts of the conference may be restricted because of space or security considerations. Coverage of restricted areas will then be arranged on a “pool” basis, and conference staff will escort selected journalists.

All sessions are open to journalists, however in some sessions there may be a ban on recordings, photographs and/or video due to protect the anonymity of speakers. Conference Secretariat offices are not accessible to journalists.

Access to Camera Platforms and Audio Distribution Panels
Reserved space for camera-persons and still photographers is available in Session Room 1 where all plenaries, the opening session and the closing session will take place. The space is at the front of the stage. In the press conference room located in the Media Centre, a camera platform will be available.

Space in front of the stage in Session Room 1 and on the camera platform in the press conference room is on a first come, first serve basis only. Audio splitter distribution panels will also be available at these locations.

Restricted Access to Positive Lounge
The Positive Lounge (lounge for persons living with HIV) is off-limits to journalists, except those who are themselves living with HIV, in which case, the person entering the lounge does so as a PLHIV and not as a journalist. We trust that all journalists will respect the privacy of the PLHIV Lounge. Should you wish to interview a person living with HIV, please contact the Information Desk at the Media Centre. We will liaise with various NGOs and the Positive Lounge to set up interviews for you.

PLEASE NOTE! Protection of confidentiality of persons living with HIV.

Many conference participants are people living with HIV/AIDS, and for many, their HIV status is unknown in their home countries. For this reason, we impose the following restrictions: In all conference sessions, you may film (video or photograph) the presenter/s of the session. The media may film group shots of the audience but if they film individuals asking questions they must obtain that person’s permission to broadcast/publish this information once the session is over and BEFORE it is broadcast/published. Session chairs may impose further restrictions regarding visual recording at their discretion. It might happen that minors speak at sessions and request anonymity. In this case, they must not be photographed or recorded on video and their real name should not be used.

On-Site Media Centre
Media delegates are strongly advised to bring their own laptops, however, conference organizers will able to provide some computers workstations. The Media Centre will serve the needs of print, radio and broadcast journalists covering ICASA 2021. Services provided to registered journalists include: computer work stations, Internet connections, ISDN lines, printers and photocopying machines for limited numbers of photocopies. A multi-lingual communications staff will be available to assist journalists with editorial, technical and logistical support. A room will be available for interviews, and a press conference room will be used for the official daily briefing and third-party press conferences.

Opening Hours
Media Centre operations begin on Monday, 6th December, at 15:00PM. The Media Centre is accessible from 8:00am to 18:30pm (from 7th to 11th December, 2021)

Access to the Media Centre is reserved for conference-accredited journalists. Should journalists arrange to interview non-media conference delegates, kindly meet the interviewee at the entrance to the Media Centre. Unaccompanied interviewees will not be allowed access to the Media Centre. On completion of the interview, kindly escort guests back to the entrance of the Media Centre.

Photographic coverage of the conference proceedings will be provided. High-resolution photographs will be available for download on the Online Media Centre of the ICASA 2021 website: (

Key sessions will be recorded and made available via the Programme-at-a-Glance (PAG).

Third Party Press Releases and Materials
Some tables will be made available for the distribution of press releases and materials produced by third parties (organizations other than the conference itself) in the Media Centre.

Press Conference Room
The Media Centre will be equipped with a press conference room. When not in use by conference organizers, the press conference room will be available for use by third parties (this refers to all parties other than the conference organizers, including presenters, NGOs, international organizations or agencies, and/or industry representatives).

An initial schedule of each day’s press conferences will be provided on the website and in your media kit distributed at on-site check in. Updates will be posted at the information office in the Media Centre. Only accredited members of the media and press conference speakers will be allowed to attend press conferences.

Speakers’ Corner
In addition to the Press Conference room, a smaller meeting room, the Speakers’ Corner, is available. The Speakers’ Corner can accommodate up to 20 people and it is ideal for press conferences on very specific topics. 45 minutes slots for the Speakers’ Corner (Tuesday 7th December and Saturday 11th December, from 10:30AM to 15:00PM) can be reserved in advance by sending a booking request at with the title of your event and date/time of your requested slot, or directly on-site. Bookings will be approved on a first-come first-served basis.

Official Press Conferences
An official opening press conference will be held before the conference Opening Session on Monday, 6th December at 14:00PM, and will feature speakers from the opening session. At 14:15PM from Tuesday to Saturday, conference organizers will hold a press conference featuring daily plenary speakers and other key speakers from special sessions. All official press conferences will be in English and French.

Broadcast Facilities
Broadcasters are required to capture their own video, and obtain audio from the sound desks in session rooms and the press conference room.

Electricity at the conference venue is between 220 and 240 volts AC. Make sure you go to an electric supplies store and buy an adapter if needed. International adapters will not be available in the Media Centre.

Online Media Centre
During the conference, the Online Media Centre will feature links to videos of sessions and press conferences, photos, presentation slides, speeches and press releases. Access to other information, including conference abstracts, presentation slides, news reports and summaries of scientific sessions, will also be available through the website.

Other Useful Information


English and French are the official languages of the conference.

Banks and Currency
Banks are open Monday – Friday. Foreign Exchange can be made in the banks. ATMs are located at major bank branches, most shopping malls, airports. Transactions are usually made in the country currency.

Drink and Food
Delegates are encouraged not to drink tap water in the ICASA 2021 host country, there are many different cultures, and it is easy to find restaurants with quite variety of foods at the conference venue.

Security and Safety in host country
In general, The conference venue Centre is very safe. However, the usual travel precautions apply. Credit-card fraud is a growing problem worldwide, so only use your cards at established businesses and guard your credit card numbers.

In general, whether you are staying in the area close to the conference venue or traveling around the city, it is necessary to consider the following common-sense principles for travelers to any city: Avoid areas of the city that are unfamiliar to you.

  1. Always travel with someone or in a group.
  2. Beware of pick-pockets.
  3. Avoid carrying large sums of money with you; bring only what you will need.
  4. Always let people know where you are and, if possible, carry a mobile phone with you.
  5. Always carry identification (including a copy of your passport) with you, along with the name, address and contact information of your hotel.

Taxes and Tips
A 15% goods and service tax (GST) is applied to all goods and services.

The custom of tipping is practiced in the host country. To tip is a must, in South Africa you will have tip your waiter or waitress 10 to 20 % of the total bill.

ICASA 2021 Communication Team Contact Information
Please note that the latest updated contact details, including the Media Centre phone number, will be made available on the ICASA 2021 Media Centre page shortly before the start of the conference.

Conference Material

If the registration form and full payment are received no later than the regular registration deadline, a conference bag is included in the registration fee for delegates, speakers. If the registration form and/or full payment are received after the regular registration deadline, the organizer cannot guarantee that a conference bag will be available. All conference materials will be handed out on-site in the registration area.

Letter of Confirmation/Payment Receipt

A letter of confirmation/payment receipt will be sent by email once the ICASA 2021 Registration Department has received the fully completed registration form and the related payment. Attendees must present this confirmation/payment receipt at the registration counter as proof of their registration and payment.

Letter of Invitation

Individuals requiring an official Letter of Invitation can request one from the ICASA 2021 Registration Department. To receive a Letter of Invitation, attendees must first register to the conference and submit payment in full. The letter will be sent once the payment has been received by the Registration Department. Letters of Invitation will not be sent after the regular registration deadline.

The Letter of Invitation does not financially obligate the conference organizers’ in any way. All expenses incurred in relation to the conference are the sole responsibility of the attendee.

Visa Requirements

It is the sole responsibility of the attendee to take care of his/her visa requirements. Attendees who require an entry visa must allow sufficient time for the application procedure. Attendees should contact the nearest embassy or consulate to determine the appropriate timing of their visa applications.

The organizers will not directly contact embassies and consulates on behalf of visa applicants.

Certificate of Attendance

A Certificate of Attendance for paid delegates can only be acquired in the designated areas in the conference centre. It cannot be issued before the conference.

Lost Name Badge and Change of Name

The name badge must always be worn during the conference. Access to the conference facilities will not be granted without a proper name badge. If an attendee loses, misplaces or forgets the name badge, a handling fee of 60 USD will be charged for a new name badge. Upon handing out a new name badge, the lost badge will become invalid. Name changes will only be accepted until the late registration deadline indicating clearly the new and old name. After the late registration deadline, all name changes must be carried out on-site.

Registration Cancellation Policy
  • No refund will be issued for any cancellation.
  • Modification of the Conference Programme
  • The conference organizers reserve the right to modify the programme, which is published as an indication only.

Data Protection and Sharing of Contact Details

The acquisition, handling (which includes saving data, changes, transmission, blocking and erasing) and utilization of all personal registration data is executed within the guidelines of the effective data protection regulations.

ICASA 2021 secretariat will collect and store all data for the preparation and execution of the 21st International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa. When you register you will be asked to complete the online form providing for: your name, address, email address and telephone number. The above collected information is required to process, book and complete your booking (including confirmation by email).

Should you choose to make the payment for your bookings with credit card, your credit card details will be collected (credit card type and number, CVC code, expiry date, credit card holder name).

All data will be saved and processed.
In order to protect and safeguard the personal data provided to us, we have implemented and used appropriate business systems and procedures. For example, your credit card information is transmitted to us through a secure server protocol, which encrypts all your personal and credit card details. The encryption method used is the industry standard "Transport Layer Security (TLS)" technology. Our TLS certificate has been issued by

Furthermore, we have implemented and used security procedures and technical and physical restrictions, for accessing and using personal information. Only authorized employees have permission to access personal information for performing their duties in respect of our services. Our server and network are protected by firewalls against unauthorized access and we have intrusion detection systems that monitor and detect unauthorized attempts to access to or misuse of our servers.

Your credit card details will be kept by ICASA 2021 Conference until three months after the end of the conference.

In addition, the conference organizers periodically share contact details of attendees with third parties that may use these details to contact attendees regarding activities at the conference or other communications which may be of interest. Therefore, data might be passed on to third parties unless otherwise explicitly indicated by the attendee. Your complete contact details will only be forwarded if:

  • Your explicit consent is given,
  • A third party has proven to the conference organizers that you have violated the rights of this third party and has thus demanded the disclosure of your data, or
  • The conference organizers are obliged to give out your data due to for example a court order or an official order.

Attendees can use the name badge with the barcode/QR code like a business card with any conference exhibitor and/or satellite holder to give them the complete contact details. In this case you decide to whom you provide your data. Please note that offering your badge to be scanned at an exhibition booth and/or at the entrance to a satellite implies your acceptance that the respective company receives your complete contact details from the organizers and may contact you, using this data.

Granting of rights for photography, film and audio material for event documentation and public reporting.

The participant hereby declares their consent to the creation of image, film and audio recordings related to the 21st International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa and that this material can be shared and published within public reporting or used in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Skype) about the event without entitlement to remuneration.

Principles and Values for Conference Participation
By attending the 21st ICASA Conference on (Africa’s AIDS response: The race to 2030 – Evidence. Scale Up. Accelerate), delegates agree to comply with the ICASA 2021 Principles and Values of Conference Participation. The conference organizers reserve the right to confiscate the conference name badge, and therefore deny access, to anyone who does not comply with this policy.

The ICASA endorses freedom of expression as an essential principle in the fight against HIV/AIDS and in promoting full participation in our conferences. The combined efforts of all stakeholders in the public and private sectors and civil society are required to halt and reverse the AIDS pandemic. Activism and advocacy contribute to advancing commitment, policy and practice aimed at ending the epidemic.

The right to participate at an ICASA supported conference is fundamental to ensuring open dialogue between all stakeholders. The ICASA encourages debate and dialogue as key elements of participation, among all conference participants including delegates, sponsors, speakers and presenters, researchers and scientists, community representatives, leaders and the media. Peaceful protest has always been and continues to be a key element of participation at the conferences. The ICASA opposes the destruction of property or the use or threat of physical force by any individual or group of individuals during the conferences. The ICASA opposes the disruption of conference sessions or satellite meetings that results in the inability for dialogue and debate to take place.

The conference organizers shall be held liable in the framework of a duty of care as a respectable businessman according to statutory provisions. The liability of the conference organizers - for whatever legal reason - shall be limited to intent and gross negligence. The liability of commissioned service providers shall remain unaffected by this. The attendee shall take part in the conference at his/her own risk. Oral agreements shall not be binding if these have not been confirmed in writing by the conference organizers.

Fulfilment and Jurisdiction
This contract is subject to the law of Accra, Ghana. The terms of this contract shall be fulfilled in COUNTRY and in the event of any legal claims arising from either party; Accra, Ghana shall be the sole court of jurisdiction.

Severability Clause

If there is a determination of these Terms and Conditions to be ineffective or impracticable, then the validity of the Terms and Conditions remaining are not impaired. The parties are obligated to cooperate in order to replace the ineffective or impracticable clause by an effective or feasible clause, which results in the ineffective or impracticable clause being closed.

Cancellation of the Conference

In the event that the conference cannot be held or is postponed due to events beyond the control of the conference organizers (force majeure) or due to events which are not attributable to wrongful intent or gross negligence of the conference organizers, the conference organizers cannot be held liable by attendees for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodation costs and financial losses.

Under these circumstances, the conference organizers reserve the right to retain the entire registration fee or to use it for the next conference but this right will not be transferred to a third party.

The Role of Volunteers
The success of ICASA 2021 depends heavily on the support of volunteers between 150 and 200 working with ICASA during the week of 6 – 11 December 2021.

Volunteers will help coordinate programme activities, greet visiting delegates, assist with registration, act as guides during the conference, staff various offices and activities, and perform other crucial tasks. Volunteers will receive training and support from ICASA staff and the conference volunteer coordinators.

Volunteers will have free access to conference sessions when not on duty, a lunch each working day and they will also receive a Certificate of Appreciation.

Furthermore, volunteers will have the opportunity to gain international experience at the African largest open scientific conference on HIV/AIDS.

To volunteer you must be at leasts 18 years old (as of 6th December 2021), have a good level of English/French and be available for at least three half-day shifts. Volunteers who can commit to more than 7 shifts from 6th to 11th December, 2021 will be prioritized.

Volunteer registration will be opened on 2nd July, 2021. If you have any questions, please contact

Volunteers from Other Countries
Persons from countries other than ICASA 2021 host country seeking to volunteer at ICASA 2021 will be required to meet customs and immigration requirements for visitors.

The conference secretariat is unfortunately not able to offer any financial assistance or an official Letter of Invitation to help with visas. It is the sole responsibility of the volunteer to take care of his/her visa requirements.

Volunteers are responsible for their own accommodation and travel costs.

Methods of Payment

Payment is required at the time of registration. It should be made in USD only, using one of the following methods:

  1. Credit card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express): Attendees should complete the relevant section of the registration form.
  2. Bank transfer: Payment should be made in USD to:

Account name: SOCIETY FOR AIDS IN AFRICA-ICASA Registration
Account number: 2441000304908
Ecobank’s Swift Code: ECOCGHAC
Ecobank’s Correspondent Bank: DZ BANK, FRANKFURT GERMANY
Swift Code for Correspondent Bank: GENODEFF
Reference: Participant Number, Name, ICASA 2021
Bank code: 13-01-00
Branch code: 13-01-07
Please note that all transfer costs must be endorsed by the sender.
Cheques will not be accepted.

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