

Scientific Programme
  1. Political leadership and partnerships to promote and accelerate access to innovation prevention & care.
  2. To build, strengthen and invest in Africa’s scientific capacity and manufacturing of vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics.
  3. Management of COVID 19 in Africa: Impact & Way forward.
  4. HIV, TB & other co-infections: The journey ahead.
  5. HIV Pediatrics: how far did we relieve the burden on children and what is the perspective towards 2030?

Leadership Programme
  1. African leadership in ending AIDS in Africa: Abuja Declaration: where are we?
  2. Sustaining gains during COVID-19.
  3. The new Global strategy to end AIDS by 2030: what do we need to do differently in Africa.
  4. HIV prevention is everyone’s Business: The pathway to stemming new infections in Africa.
  5. Adolescent girls, young women & men: Key to achieving the end of AIDS in Africa in 2030.
Community Programme
  1. Implementing person centered key population programming at scale.
  2. Health System Strengthening: The funding Landscape: health financing and Domestic Resource Mobilization.
  3. Addressing the needs of People who Use Drugs to achieve epidemic control.
  4. Impact of COVID 19 on HIV Services
  5. Epidemic Control in Africa: Response from the Diaspora
Plenary Speakers

Prof. H.E Eric Goosby

H.E. Eric Goosby

founding director of the Ryan White CARE Act
Plenary Topic: HIV, TB & other co-infections: The journey ahead.
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H.E Marisol Touraine

H.E. Marisol Touraine

Former Minister of Health, France
Board Chair of Unitaid
Plenary Topic: Political leadership and partnerships to promote and accelerate access to innovation prevention & care.
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Dr. Natalia Kanem

Dr. Natalia Kanem

United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Plenary Topic: HIV prevention is everyone’s Business: The pathway to stemming new infections in Africa.
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Dr. John Nkengasong

Dr. John Nkengasong

Director, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention African Union Commission
Plenary Topic: Management of COVID 19 in Africa: Impact & Way forward.
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Dr. Mathsidiso Moeti

Dr. Matshidiso Moeti

Regional Director for Africa
World Health Organization (WHO)
Plenary Topic: Sustaining the gains during COVID-19.
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Mr. Daouda Diouf

Mr. Daouda Diouf

Executive Director, ENDA SANTE
Plenary Topic: Impact of COVID 19 on HIV Services
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Solange L. Baptiste

Madam Solange L. Baptiste

Executive Director, ITPC
Plenary Topic: Health System Strengthening: The funding Landscape: health financing and Domestic Resource Mobilization.
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Dr. Shannon Hader

Dr. Shannon Hader

Deputy Executive Director of Programme at UNAIDS and Assistant Secretary General at the United Nations
Plenary Topic: The new Global strategy to end AIDS by 2030: what do we need to do differently in Africa.
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Dr. Malebona Precious Matsoso

Dr. Malebona Precious Matsoso

Director of the Health Regulatory Science Platform, a division of the Wits Health Consortium at the University of the Witwatersrand
Plenary Topic: To build, strengthen and invest in Africa’s scientific capacity and manufacturing of vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics
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Dr. Chewe Luo

Dr. Chewe Luo

Plenary Topic: HIV Pediatrics: how far did we relieve the burden on children and what is the perspective towards 2030?
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Richard Nininahazwe

Mr. Richard Nininahazwe

Africa Coordinator, NPUD
Plenary Topic: Addressing the needs of People who Use Drugs to achieve epidemic control.
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Doreen Moraa Moracha

Miss. Doreen Moraa Moracha

HIV Activist
Plenary Topic: Epidemic Control in Africa: Response from the Diaspora.
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Mr. Roberto Paulo

Mr. Roberto Paulo

Executive Director, LAMBDA
Plenary Topic: Implementing person centered Key population programming at scale.
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Dr Thato Chidarikire

Dr Thato Chidarikire

Director for HIV Prevention Programmes
Plenary Topic: Adolescent girls, young women & men: Key to achieving the end of AIDS in Africa in 2030.
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Hon. Dr. Joe Phaahla

Hon. Dr. Joe Phaahla

Minister of Health, South Africa
Plenary Topic: African leadership in ending AIDS in Africa: Abuja Declaration: where are we?.
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